It is considered that the sexual arousal, weak the soil is the stimulation of the sexual health of the authority, the buttocks, the thighs, the chest, the nipples, the neck. But these erogenous zones of the woman does not always work: what a man wore, the pleasure, the other provokes sensations that are unpleasant and even disgusting. This is due to not permanent of the erogenous zones of the beautiful ladies there, erogenous zone occurs in the area of the body that touches the wanted, desired by the man.
The thrill of touching any part of the body is fixed in the brain. Because he fulfills the main function of erogenous zone in men as in women. The parts of the body, a party in touch, are only the representatives of the main erogenous zone, the conductors of excitation. Memories of pleasant sensations, as well as the repeated reproduction in the following sexual relations are certain areas of the body of the function excitation.
If erogenous zone "active" regularly, or almost regularly, it becomes sustainable. But this does not mean that the other person will also be sustainable: they can not manifest or the effect of the stimulation will be much lower than that of other areas that before were not erogenous.
Of course, the caress of the different parts of the body must be different: the force with which it is possible in an outburst of passion compress the shoulders of his beloved, will be clearly excessive caresses the chest, but to the more delicate parts of the body and can not speak, for example, by touching the clitoris must be especially gentle, otherwise in place of sustainable erogenous zone may be formed with my friend constant of the painful area.
Distant circle of the sensuality includes the following parts of the body: face, hairy part of the head, the ears, the neck, the shoulders, the arms, the legs, the back, the abdomen.
The person
The lungs touch the tips of your fingers, the soft brush of cheeks can be the beginning of an excellent, preliminary caresses or separate essential element of the love of the game. As it is One of the few expressions of love and sensuality, not prohibited by the society. Touch the hand of the person beloved or dear in a public place, and this will not cause the negative reaction of others.
It is a pity that, when you come out of the adolescence, the men rarely apply this way of showing his feelings, after all, the fullness of emotional touching the person are comparable with the caress of the chest, and sometimes, especially in public places, far surpass all others of the touch of the effectiveness. In a more intimate touch to the person, tempting (.point) and more intense (suction) kisses, caresses with the tip of the tongue, and even light biting are an exquisite form of expression of intimate feelings to each other, cause relaxation, peace of mind, which then gives way to a feeling of anxiety and excitement.
The front and the whiskey have a lower sensitivity than that of the cheek, with the exception of the line of growth of the hair, a gentle touch to the fingers, the lips or the tongue can even trigger other erogenous zones. "Wet" the caress of the nose seem unpleasant to many women, and that it is "dry" kissing can cause arousal.
The mouth, the tongue, the lips and the area around them — one of the most sensitive areas of the face (the sensuality close to genital). The majority of the people is an erogenous zone. The touch of fingers, tongues, kisses: small, points, deep, passionate, can be self-sufficient (and can sometimes cause an orgasm), or stimulants additional throughout the love of the games.Hairy part of the head
This area is very sensitive to touch different degree of intensity. You can sort through the pryadki the hair of his beloved, it is possible for the message the hair (if the hair cut short), and can influence directly on the scalp. Scalp massage is not only a good way of excitation, is good in itself, contributes to the relaxation, soothes and relieves the headache. If your girlfriend refuses to have moments of intimacy due to headache, scalp massage is what you need.
The ears

If you whisper in a soft pink feminine eyelet kind words, the degree of excitation of the woman increases, if the tingling of the tongue, or gently suck the lobe of the ear — effect can be overpowering.
Also keep in mind that the lobes of the ears and a small area of skin behind them is related to the nerves of the genital organs, therefore, the thrill the caress of the ear goes directly to the genitals. Try to control your breathing: a strong breath into the ear of the beloved may spoil everything.
The neck
The neck on most women is one of the most brilliant of the erogenous zones, they respond to the male the affection of the parts of the body. Especially the sensitive areas of the skin on the side surfaces, and the occipital part. The front surface of the neck of the woman, less erotic. The caress of the occipital part of the neck that excite women, causing a pleasant sensation not only in the area of the caress, but all over the body (in the form of a wave of the tremor that runs from the nape of the neck by the back, the buttocks, the feet to the heels).
The shoulders and upper back
The area of the shoulders and the upper part of the back is less sensitive than the occipital part of the neck, the truth, the impact here can be so soft, light and barely noticeable, and the more intense: efforts of compression and scratch movement, biting, kissing, provoke a wave of chills of pleasure, which passes throughout the body.
The space between the shoulder blades is called "the support of the jasmine," as well as the caress of this place inspire pleasurable sensations. The area along the spine can stroke, kiss, caress the tongue, nibble and nibble — the margin of exposure is very wide. The caress of the area of the waist have amplified the action, are very near approaching to the second circle of sensuality. But stop, without reaching it, increasing the distress of waiting.
It is in vain, discarded erogenous zone in the moment of intimacy for many men of a part of the body. At that time, when a woman is touched to the palm of the hand or fingers to the face of the men, you can give her a special pleasure, to catch the lips of the fingers. Women are more like kisses, caresses with the tip of the tongue or soft biting of the fingers and the palm of the hand. The lateral surface of the palm and the tips of the fingers contain the largest number of nerve endings.
The inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the elbow can also be erogenous zone: small touches (you can use a piece of fur or feather) cause the excitation of many women. Elbow to the crease of the skin very sensitive. The touch must be delicate, the simultaneous caress of the lips (the tongue) and with the tip of the fingers (the nails) in different directions and at different speeds to give an effect very pleasant.
The part of the hand from the shoulder to the elbow is well responds to the caress. On the external surface of the exposure may be more intense (tingling, biting, and pressure), in the interior it must be done with caution: too passionate touching can cause pain and very tender — cause tickling.
The legs
The soles of your feet, as the shell, are the projection of all the organs of the human body. The outsole, as the toes of the feet and ankles are very sensitive to the touch. The fact that he's afraid of tickling, do not come close to the caress of the tongue along the entire foot, licking the fingers, as well as light petting and scratching motion of the fingers. For them it is preferable to pinching, at the same time, and bite the heels. The rest of the same fun for the whole complex of the caresses more tender, barely noticeable in the armona, moving the fingers, the fingernails and the tongue up to the more intense kneading, jaws and bite.
The belly
This part of entire body is an erogenous zone in many women. The sensitivity not only has the surface of the abdomen, but also the deepening of the navel. Most women experience pleasure when the tip of the tongue member rhythmically dipped into the hollow of the navel, mimicking the movement of the penis during penetration. If a man is sufficiently excited, it can caress the belly of the woman not only with the mouth and hands.
The chest
Traditionally, it is considered that the entire chest is an erogenous zone of high sensitivity. However, many women don't like it when actors refer to their chest. Often this reaction is observed in women who had previously severe or inept sexual partners that their actions caused discomfort or even pain.
The most common is a error massage intensive the palm. It is not necessary to knead female chest with the hands, as if it is the mass, it is not worth compressing, as if the expander or lemon, that you have to squeeze the juice. It is better that at the beginning not to touch the chest full of the palm of the hand, and act with the tips of the fingers, moving each breast from below and from above, slowly moving towards the center. (If a woman wants a more intense caress, she will guide your hand and tighten in your chest.)
Press the palm of the hand (or the palm of the hand) to the skin below the chest, and slowly moves upwards, slowly loosening the pressure so that the area near the nipples, his hands moved just by touching the most sensitive point of the chest. Kisses can be tender and passionate.
With the tips of the fingers, stroke the chest from above, describing circles and shapes of wave, forming little by little in the nipple. The area around the nipple - halo — is very sensitive, and sometimes even painfully sensitive to the touch. If your hands skin is quite thick, the nipple is better not to touch with your hands, pat your lips and tongue. Only you don't remember your childhood and not participate in active action: the milk does not contain the breathing, and the pain it can cause. Then, as soon exactly to always take care of chest, the woman needs a sexual partner, while the child is not an adult in the bed.
The buttocks
This part of entire body is an erogenous zone in both men and women. The buttocks respond well to gentle touch and massage intensive. Start better with gentle movements: to caress with the tip or the phalanges of the fingers. Then, you can apply a tingling sensation, at the same time, nudges, spanking, tighten the movement. The reaction bite of this area is often the squeal of the woman and the flight (or rotation of 180°), therefore, the more teeth with caution.
The hip
Of the hip, especially their inner surface, are the foreign between the neighbour and the main around the sensuality. And this explains their hypersensitivity to women. Even the movement, that the man to push the thighs of the couple, to reach inside it by itself is very erotic and leads to a wave excitation. The more soft and more tender with this movement, a greater effect can be achieved.
Sometimes a man has to overcome the resistance of the woman, when she squeezes your hips, but not letting it penetrate (although with the look in a secret place. To overcome the persistent resistance, but not rough. Possible that the woman prevents to relax under bright lighting or she is not sufficiently aroused, or it could be that the first, that the caresses.
Remember conventions of the great leaders: "To continue with the offensive, it is necessary to go back a little bit." Soft touch to his abdomen, caressing the outer surface of the thighs, the groin (without affecting the genitals) and a sliding motion of the knee on the inside surface of dense from the hips, again without touching the most sensitive space, of ridicule, cause distress, and excite.

In a series of sensuality includes erogenous zones that are located directly on the genitals of the woman. To erogenous the primary area of the circle of sensuality in the female are the external genitalia, pubic area, as well as the antechamber of the vagina and part of the front wall of the vagina, called the G-spot of name has been discovered to your doctor Greenberg.
Women authorities main of a circle are much more sensitive, therefore, a clumsy stimulation can be delivered to the woman unpleasant sensations. One should not start the manual stimulation of the genitals of the woman, if she is not very excited. The degree of excitation is easy to identify by the moisture of the vulva.
If the area of the vulva became wet, do not rush to find the clitoris or caress other sensitive area. Sober cover with the palm of the hand, sexual in the slot and pet pushing or stroking (can be circular and the vibration of the movements) of this area, not focusing all the attention of the same. The first to touch the moist surface of lips sex should be very careful and delicate. If they provide pleasure to the woman, you can go further, exploring the avant-garde of the vagina, where they find the most sensitive area, that when aroused fill with blood and swell.
Many men have difficulties to find the clitoris. This is because in the tranquility of the state in which is hidden under the skin-fold hood—. By the degree of sensitivity of the clitoris can be compared with the head of the penis. The hood is like the foreskin that covers the head. Therefore, it is not worth discovering, finally, this small stem, free of its hood and stimulate intensely.
The stimulation of the clitoris can be combined with in-locus caresses (just remember that the "dry" to the touch, will bring rather unpleasant sensations of pleasure). In the front wall of the vagina is treasured to the point G, the impact with the help of the penis when the sexual intercourse or the finger in the moment of in-locus caresses delivery to women particularly acute in the pleasure, and almost guarantees orgasm. Almost, because it depends on a lot of the great capacity of action of men and the degree of excitation of the woman.
Find the point (or, better said, the whole of the area) G is quite easy: the middle finger of the men, engrossed in the woman in the bosom of the depth of the first joint or a little more (the palm of the hand covers the vulva of the woman), in folded state feels within a small tuber fleshy, which is a point of doctor Greenberg. If you are already not the first year conducting failed the search of this treasure in the depths of her friend, have the courage and ask to see her: every woman knows where is located the more sensitive of the area.